Friends Program

We need your kind support to continue our work towards a healthier Greece.

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The problem

Nowadays in Greece, Mediterranean Diet has been replaced by unhealthy eating habits. The number of unhealthy food and obesity related diseases is increasingly growing. The vast majority of adult population (71,4%), as well as, children population (40%) is overweight or obese.

Our Vision

The objective behind “Mathaino Diatrofi” (Learning to Eat Right) is to reverse this situation by offering nutritional knowledge, skills development and support in order to make healthy nutritional choices an easy and handy part of everyday life.

What We Do

Based on the international scientific knowledge and the hands-on experience derived by a multitude of actions, the organization has created a series of nutritional education  programs through which we aim to empower, in a realistic and feasible way, adults, children and professionals


We have created 3 main programs and a series of actions that aim towards the restoration of the balanced diet and the protection of our health.

Main Programmes Actions

Main Programs

Nutritional education & skills development

Littlespoons Program

We support children in schools and preschools to eat healthier and become eating competent.

Support Groups

We support adults and parents, from socially vulnerable groups, to address weight management and food parenting issues.

for Professionals

We provide specialized trainings in innovative methods and practices.


Initiatives and innovative programs with a large impact

20.02.2019 - 30.02.2019

Athens Initiative

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20.02.2019 - 30.02.2019

Mathaino Diatrofi – Skiathos

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01.04.2019 - 30.09.2019

European Program Weight Matters

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So far, we have helped:







Your help is invaluable to us!
Together we can achieve so much more.
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Please fill the event participation form here. The Family Event  will take place on Saturday May 7, 2022 in the Oasis Activity Farm Park, in Koropi, Attica between 11:00-15:00. Please read the invitation.


We are very happy to announce our first activity at the Learning and Educational Center of SOS Children’s Villages on Friday 3/12/2021. We are very excited to expand our collaboration with other facilities and programs of the SOS Children’s Villages in 2022.

This school year Mathaino Diatrofi has joined forces with WWF Hellas, creating a joined educational program for schools. Starting this October 2021 the program for children 5-12 years old in being implemented to more than 500 school all over Greece in accordance to the new school program requirements by the Ministry of Education.   
Why is this program important? Today, the Mediterranean Way of Eating has been abandoned and most people rely on unhealthy food choices. At the same time, food production practices and current dietary choices are responsible for 1/3 of world’s green house gas emissions and loss of biodiversity.
(Greek only)
Σίτιση & Διατροφική Διαπαιδαγώγηση στο σχολείο: Καλές Πρακτικές
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